About Me

Often I find myself in conversations involving subjects that tie back to the idea of faith, especially Christianity.  Either I’m talking with another classmate about the concerns of life or issues that bring about questions concerning things that are hard to explain – things that can’t be approached by simple intelligence.  Christianity is foremost not a religion, I feel people just call it that in order to minimize its power – unintentional of course – but still its more than a so-called institution – it’s “someone” who expresses Himself through you and out of you…that is if you’re really His.  That someone is Jesus, the word Christian is Greek for simply: “Christ-like or like Christ.”    It’s more than just asking Him into your life; you traded-in your life for His because He gave his life for you so that not only you could live inwardly but outwardly – abundant life – totally different – made whole, “changed”. 
I often seem to run into people who either have questions or criticisms concerning Jesus, religion or Christianity.  I often times end-up in conversations where individuals introduce certain aspects or an angle about topics related to Christianity, even I didn't ever think about.  Still, I stand my ground, not arguing with them, but strive to get them to think.    
 I have also met people who have been hurt by church affiliations -- who maybe more critical of religion or Christianity.  Others I've ran into lately take religious courses here at UIW -- who find the subject boring -- some claim they don't understand it or because they're affiliated with another major.
I want this blog to be about opening up discussions concerning Christianity, I want to talk and express my faith in way that will help people have a better understanding about it.  There are things that  a religious course at a university can't convey, explain or expound in detail about, especially within the world of Christianity. 
I'm a Christian who just happens to be a COMM ARTS major (w/ concentration in Journalism), so most of my questions, links or posts most likely will be pulled from the news -- local and national/international.  But I will also center topics around pop-culture, films, quotes, class discussions/conversations I end-up in at school, or just everyday life.    I will then give the Christian perspective on that issue or on topics/angles that you come-up with.

So, please fill free to observe the information given, I may direct you to a particular link of the page tabs above or display a link given to me by you or friends, or what I find on the Web.  Send your questions, ideas or interesting material to either support/to better emphasis your point of view or  to clarify your question.
Until then, this is your girl Ralonda saying, keep SEAK'N-it-REAL! God bless you and Jesus loves you!