Friday, February 18, 2011

Listen 2 this Guy-- Who's Casey Abrams/American Idol contestant

If you've not watched "American Idol"'ve probably never heard of Casey Abrams singing his version of "Georgia on My Mind" playing the cello...

A friend on Facbook sent a YouTube to me.
So, just click & watch this clip -- he's really good!

American Idol/Casey Abrams & cello singing "Georgia on My Mind"
Watch and tell me what you think...
Until next time my fellow bloggers... this your girl RG saying Jesus bless you & keep Speak'N it REAL!..

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Rumors or & decide!

Hey bloggers everywhere,

I have a pretty good feeling you've probably heard of this story on the news but just in case you haven't heard about a female reporter possibly having a stroke on-air (NO ONE IS SURE AT THIS TIME) watch this clip and tell me what you think...

Reporter might be having a stroke?

If you find anything else on this story that you might want to discuss further, please keep me posted…until then this is your girl RG saying,
Jesus bless you and keep SPEAK’N-IT-RIGHT!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Preventing A "Fatal" Valentine’s Day!


Many people criticize Christians on their stand against divorce, especially when it comes to the issue of domestic violence.  Even within the Christian community there are some who feel that individuals shouldn’t stay in a violent situation, especially if could costs individuals their lives.   God is the author of life and He doesn’t agree with domestic violence either.   But divorce is not the way either.   My deal is why is there so much talk about the aftermath of abuse than there is about preventing the situation from occurring in the first place.  Why are there not more discussions about things you should check on “before” marriage or even dating? 

There are marriage seminars but how many singles attend functions that provide advice and material on how to NOT get involved with “crazy” people in the first place.  
It hurts to hear of innocent women and men who become victims of “fatal attraction” at the hands of just some of the most evil people in the world.   You’ve heard of the term, “crime-of-passion,” we’ve viewed guests on “The Oprah” and “The Dr. Phil Show” telling of their horrible stories of abuse or near death experiences at the hands of individuals who said they “loved” them.  Stone-oak shooter posted on

 If you watch TV movies on Lifetime Network or other network channels you view stories about people marrying child-abusers and worse – not knowing it until it was too late, most of them are based on true events.
Aired on Investigative Discovery channel’s “Who the (Bleep) did I marry” a biography/crime series telling actual stories of people who married killers, con-artists, etc. Who did the bleep did I marry from I.D. Network

But who I am I to say anything about marriage or dating – right, that guy or girl you wish to get with might not be so bad after all.
They might have very bad breath on occasion, smelly feet, or STD’s – but hey who cares about that stuff– LOL!   Oh, come on people…let’s wake-up!    Have you ever heard of “think before you speak”?  Well, I am advocating “think before your date/marry!”    

 Look, God wants us to have great relationships and experience “true love,” not “insanity!”   Now-a-days there are so many online dating commercials on TV, it’s unbearable.    Yes, there’s the occasional love story about two love birds meeting online then getting married and had a wonderful marriage – but how many times has that happened – I mean really?

Check out these tips about online dating/things to know before marriage: 
Online dating risks by Mike Wendland of NBC

God has a better plan for your life than getting hooked-up Mr. /Mrs. “why did I go there…”  So, while love is in the air on this Valentine’s Day, I like to live you with this one important thought:  people may say love is blind — but this doesn’t mean you kick “WISDOM” and common sense to the curb!
     This is your girl RG saying Jesus loves you and keep SPEAK’N it REAL!  Later BLOGGERS!